Recent Sessions & Blog Posts

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy viewing my recent work! I capture stories of love for families through video and photography. My films and photos celebrate everyday real life.

Personal Work Krista Hall Personal Work Krista Hall

Ten days in Guatemala

I sat in a circle with eighteen men studying to be priests, a Spanish teacher, a tour guide, and Fr. Jim. We just spent the day traveling by bus and boat from the concrete jungle of Guatemala City to the literal jungle of Santiago Atitlán. Fr. Jim opened the Central American Martyrs Pilgrimage and Retreat by telling us that pilgrimages are about surprises and to be open to surprises from God and from ourselves. There were many surprises for me along the way.

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Personal Work Krista Hall Personal Work Krista Hall

Sweet Summer, Summer, Summertime

Summer isn’t officially over until September 23, but with the start of school this week, it is as good as over. To say the last ten weeks passed in the blink of an eye is an understatement. It feels more like it passed at the speed of light.

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