Year in Pictures 2018:  Personal

Every year comes with ups and downs, and hopefully we grow and become better, stronger people from our experiences. Looking back at the year, there were three major down points. I don’t have photos of these, but they made an impact on me and I feel like they’re worth mentioning.

My brother was sick almost the whole year and was finally diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma during the summer. He went through intense week-long treatments and his body continues to recover.

In the spring, my dad had an accident and needed surgery on both his legs. He had to keep them straight for six to eight weeks. Just imagine not being able to bend your legs for even just one day! I remember the fear I had that I might lose both of them and also the helplessness of living so far away (my dad is down in Tennessee and my brother is down by Orlando). My dad and brother have shown so much strength and perseverance. They inspire me every day.

The third down point was when our Great Dane, Stella, got sick with Kidney disease and died. It all happened so fast. She was seven, so I knew that day would come, but I wasn’t ready. My heart still hurts when I think about her.

Now onto the highlights…

Levi played Bitty Basketball, tennis and attended a music class at the Jasper Arts Center. Ethan graduated from a high chair to sitting at the table, from a crib to a toddler bed and from a paci and sippy cup to a regular cup and no paci!!! And we are working on ditching those diapers.

As a family we grew our first garden and took many walks at The Parklands. We welcomed our Golden Retriever, Sassy, into our family.

We spent Memorial day in Pensacola with my sister and Labor Day visiting friends in Chicago.

The biggest highlight for me was being selected to serve on the CIRI Shareholder Participation Committee. I made my first of many trips to Alaska. It was so so good to spend time with Auntie Linda and Uncle Warren and meet my cousin, Stefanie’s sweet family.

I’m thankful for all these blessings in 2018…even the tough ones. I’m looking forward to looking back at 2019 and seeing God’s hand as our year unfolds. Happy New Year everyone!


Year in Pictures 2018: Saint  Meinrad


Year in Pictures 2018:  Weddings