Year in Pictures 2019: Personal, Part I

Every year comes with ups and downs and 2019 was no different. Luckily the tough times give us perspective and help us appreciate the good times more. Some highlights from 2019….

  • Family trip to Disney. This was probably my favorite vacation of all time. We went over my birthday, the weather was perfect, we got to see my brother and his family and my friends Marianne and Bruce Jussila, and the boys went on an airplane for the first time. It was all around a great time.

  • Levi graduated preschool and started Kindergarten. Ethan started preschool.

  • Kevin was baptized and we joined a community group (thanks for the invite, Daniel!)

  • I went to Seattle in the spring and Alaska in the fall for CIRI meetings. I was voted to be the secretary for the Lower 48 committee in the spring and was able to spend a couple extra days in Alaska visiting family, hiking, eating homemade spaghetti and meatballs (my heart is happy just thinking about it).

  • We went to Chicago for Levi’s birthday. The boys went to their first Cubs baseball game.

  • Ethan is potty trained!!!!

Stay tuned…next week I will have a post of favorite cell photos from 2019.


Year in Pictures 2019: Personal, Part II


Year in Pictures 2019: Tara and Bubba