Happy Birthday, Unscripted Films and Photos!

A newborn baby sleeps

“You’re an entrepreneur,” my friend, Dwight told me as we caught up on our careers, kids, and life. My friends often see things in me that I don’t always see in myself, but he’s right.


I have had the thought in the back of my mind for years to start a creative business. It just took some time and reflection to figure out what kind of creative business I was being called to…where my heart is.


I am a storyteller. As an Alaskan Native, it is in my blood to tell stories. Stories show us our humanity, they entertain, they educate, they make us feel, they connect us. Stories are important.


When I had my first son Levi in 2013, I learned the importance and power of creating family videos and taking pictures of our everyday life…of telling family stories. Levi grew so fast. Milestone after milestone was documented.


Now he is nine years old! Nine years have passed since we brought him home from the hospital, not quite sure what we were doing as new parents. I look back on those video clips from those early days and they transport me right back to 2013.


Oh, how I wish time would slow down. If you’re a parent, I’m sure you can relate. It is exciting to see my kids conquer each milestone, to succeed and work hard and fail sometimes…that’s all part of growing up and learning. It’s also bittersweet because I do long for the days when I nursed Levi to sleep and when he started saying his first words and taking his first steps.


That’s where Unscripted Films and Photos was born. I started this creative business to help other parents preserve these days that pass so fast. Whether it’s your child, your mom and dad or grandparents, your family stories are important to tell. I capture stories of love for families through video and photography.


April just happens to be Unscripted’s second birthday! I filed for my LLC on April 9, 2021.

To celebrate, I am offering 20% off any family film booked during the month of April.


So, what are the things you never want to forget? Reach out and we can capture them together.



Sweet Summer, Summer, Summertime


Family films are for your children too