The Girl Behind the Camera

Who I Serve & Why

I realized firsthand the power of family photography and films when my sons, Levi and Ethan were born. It is no joke that kids grow up way too fast!

I feel that mama ache in my heart for time to slow down, for just a moment.

Video just has some sort of magical power to transport me back in time to the days when I nursed Levi to sleep and just held him in my arms and to when Ethan started saying his brother’s name, “Wevi” over and over, to the baby noises and the first steps and starting school and playing baseball for the first time. And you better believe I am soaking up every moment Ethan dresses up as a superhero, because these days won’t last.

Two years after my first son was born, my mom passed away unexpectedly. The photos I had of her became priceless. My boys only know their Nana through photographs and stories…and one very short video of her holding my niece. 

Our children, our loved ones, grow and change over time. It is so important to slow down and enjoy this season of life with the people we love. It is just as important to document the people we love now, as they are, before another month, another year passes.

My Background & Expertise

I had my first taste of photojournalism in 2004 while studying photography in Pittsburgh. Up until that point, I had been learning studio and darkroom photography. Since then, I have always thought real life is so much more interesting than anything I could ever set up.

I went on to pursue a degree in multimedia photojournalism from Western Kentucky University’s prestigious journalism program. I fell in love with working on photo stories during those four years in Kentucky. People invited me into their homes and lives and trusted me with their stories. It was such a gift.

A staff photographer position at the Dubois County Herald brought me to southern Indiana. I learned the importance of community and honed my storytelling skills. I spent a lot of time out in Dubois County hunting for feature pictures for the next day’s paper, and I LOVED photographing kids.

Kids are hilarious and unpredictable and not afraid of the camera. I have been working as a professional photographer for 15 years and they are still my favorite subject.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I am Siberian Yupik. I have only been to Alaska a handful of times, but I feel deeply connected to my heritage.

  • I LOVE coffee. I have fond memories of drinking coffee with my grandma when she would come to visit when I was little. There is just some sort of comfort to having a coffee mug in my hands.

  • Speaking of comfort, pasta is my comfort food. My mother was an amazing chef and her homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs were to die for. Cooking was one of her love languages.

  • I played roller derby in Evansville in 2008 and 2009 under the name Gunslingin’ Sally. My favorite part was the camaraderie and skating really fast.

  • My favorite music is classic rock and folk/bluegrass/Americana. My current favorite band is the Steep Canyon Rangers. I love music that tells a story.

Awards & Accomplishments

Recipient of the On Ramp Fellowship Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission. The grant project was to complete four documentary family films and create community with other filmmakers and artists across Indiana.


One of 100 artists across Indiana selected to participate in the On Ramp Entrepreneur Accelerator Program through the Indiana Arts Commission.

Two documentary photos were featured at the Western Kentucky University gallery exhibit “March to March,” about life during COVID-19.

A family film was featured in the Gayle Karch Cook Center Gallery on the Indiana University campus.


Runner-up Indiana News Photographer of the Year while working for the Dubois County Herald.

2009, 2010

I am a parent, just like you.

I know the days are long, but the years are far too short. Tomorrow your child is another day older, and one day closer to growing up.

It is so easy to put off having your family documented. I am guilty of it myself. But if you wait, you will miss this beautiful season of life.

The photos and film I will create for you will allow you to hit the pause button and relive this time for generations to come.

“Ohmygoodness, this is the best thing ever!!! It made me teary watching it. I’m so thankful for your art and to have this moment in time captured.”

— Clare, Family Film Client

I capture stories of love for families through video and photography that celebrate everyday real life.