Year in Pictures 2022: Personal

A boy makes a silly face

It’s almost the end of March. A full season has already ended, and here I am still looking back at 2022. My year in pictures edit for my personal photos was by far the hardest to narrow down…and I got it down to 30. What can I say, my family is photogenic.

Honestly, it’s these everyday moments that pull at my heartstrings. Every photo makes me feel something. These days are numbered.

Some highlights from 2022:

  • I was awarded the On Ramp Fellowship grant from the Indiana Arts Commission that covered the expenses to create four family films

  • Traveled to Florida with the boys to spend Thanksgiving with family…the boys were introduced to roller skating!

  • Levi and I headed north to Chicago for a long weekend to catch up with our favorite people in August.

  • Kevin started a new job.

  • Sassy started staying inside the house with us…possibly my favorite highlight of all. I have so much love for that dog!

Enjoy this look back at our family in 2022. There are a couple bonus sports photos at the end that I thought were pretty great.

Want to see my kiddos grow before your eyes? Check out our past Year in Pictures. Ethan was such a cute little munchkin in 2017!



2019 Part I

2019 Part II



Two boys play cops and robbers
A boy relaxes on a couch
An elderly Great Dane soaks up sun

Our Great Dane Lucy passed away at the end of January.

A boy does his hair in a mirror
A boy gives a big toothy smile
A boy with freckles sleeps
A Golden Retriever soaks up sunlight
A boy in a Batman costume goes down a slide
A boy crouches in front of a bear at the Dubois County Museum
Two boys play baseball in their backyard
Two boys wear a DIY cardboard box dragon
A boy squirts a water gun
A boy holds a handful of fresh picked strawberries
A woman squishes the face of a boy
A man chops firewood while light streams through trees
A boy reacts while pitching at a baseball game
A man teaches a boy how to use a bow and arrow
A boy fishes on a summer evening
A father and sun sleep together on a couch
A golden retriever sleeps on her back
A boy lays on the ground with a basketball
A boy uses his knee to kick a soccer ball
A boy plays on a Nintendo Switch while on an airplane
A girl does a high jump over a broom stick
A boy tries to block during a basketball game
A cold boy plays in the snow

And the bonus baseball photos…

A boy tries to catch a baseball during a Jasper Youth Baseball game
A boy dives to tag a player out during a Jasper Youth Baseball game
A boy celebrates after crossing home plate during a whiffleball game at a park

Family films are for your children too


Legacy Films: What they are and why you need one