Year in Pictures 2022: Personal
It’s almost the end of March. A full season has already ended, and here I am still looking back at 2022. My year in pictures edit for my personal photos was by far the hardest to narrow down…and I got it down to 30. What can I say, my family is photogenic.
Honestly, it’s these everyday moments that pull at my heartstrings. Every photo makes me feel something. These days are numbered.
Some highlights from 2022:
I was awarded the On Ramp Fellowship grant from the Indiana Arts Commission that covered the expenses to create four family films
Traveled to Florida with the boys to spend Thanksgiving with family…the boys were introduced to roller skating!
Levi and I headed north to Chicago for a long weekend to catch up with our favorite people in August.
Kevin started a new job.
Sassy started staying inside the house with us…possibly my favorite highlight of all. I have so much love for that dog!
Enjoy this look back at our family in 2022. There are a couple bonus sports photos at the end that I thought were pretty great.
Want to see my kiddos grow before your eyes? Check out our past Year in Pictures. Ethan was such a cute little munchkin in 2017!
Our Great Dane Lucy passed away at the end of January.
And the bonus baseball photos…