Year in Pictures 2018: Saint  Meinrad

Here we are at the end of March and I’m finally narrowing down my favorite Saint Meinrad pictures from 2018. Last year our podcast, “Echoes from the Bell Tower,” looked at the impact Saint Meinrad has out in the world, beyond the Hill.

While the majority of these pictures were taken on the grounds of Saint Meinrad, I think they show the people who will go out and make a difference in the life of the Church.

Students in the Seminary and School of Theology take the knowledge gained here back to their ministries; oblates live the Benedictine values out in the world; the monks teach, serve in parishes, minister to those in prison and, most importantly, pray as a community five times a day.

If you listen to the news in the Church today, it’s easy to feel discouraged. We are in a difficult season in the Church. Looking back at these pictures gives me hope for the future. These pictures show people living out their faith every day.

Saint Meinrad continues to form strong leaders. You never know how many people will be inspired, comforted, renewed, impacted in the year ahead by the people who leave this Hill.


Dane and Clare


Year in Pictures 2018:  Personal