Dane and Clare

For Dane and Clare, Saint Meinrad Archabbey holds a special place in their hearts. They both spent summers at Saint Meinrad growing in their Catholic faith, building life-long friendships and developing jobs skills as “One Bread, One Cup” interns. They interned three years apart, but connected during an intern reunion. Dane even proposed to Clare in front of the Archabbey Church.

I spend a lot of time photographing the OBOC conferences during the summer and I get to know a lot of the interns…so I was super excited when Clare emailed to see if I could photograph her and Dane’s wedding. And, when we started talking about locations for their engagement portraits, Saint Meinrad was an obvious choice.

The OBOC internship creates such a tight knit community that when a former intern gets married, it’s like an intern reunion. I’m so looking forward to seeing the intern community (and Dane and Clare’s families) come together in July for their Louisville, KY, wedding!


Year in Pictures 2019: Dane and  Clare


Year in Pictures 2018: Saint  Meinrad