Year in Moving Pictures  2020

Can I tell you a secret? I want to be a filmmaker. I want to document the beautiful everyday moments for families. To capture their favorite parts of their children at this stage of their lives. Let’s face it, kids just grow and change too fast! Video has some magical power of bringing a viewer back to a moment.

Video clips of my seven-year-old as a baby pop up in my Facebook memories all the time and I instantly flash back to his sweet little baby voice and nursing him to sleep at night and watching him jump for hours in his jumper. Every year seems to pass faster and faster. Today is the last day Levi and Ethan are this young. Tomorrow they’re just another day older.

Here’s the scary part for me…I’m putting myself out there. I feel like I grew enormously as a filmmaker in 2020. Of course, I still have a long way to go! I’m hoping to make one film a month this year and my goal is to begin portfolio building in 2021. My four favorite films I created of my family in 2020 are embedded here. If these films speak to you, if you feel the ache of your children growing up before your eyes, I would love to connect with you. Drop me a comment below or reach out to my email


Year in Pictures 2021: Saint Meinrad


Year in Pictures 2020: Personal