Year in Pictures 2019: Derek and Sydney

I love when I get the chance to photograph a family more than once. That is what happened with Derek and Sydney’s wedding in August. Two years earlier, I joined Jessica when Derek’s sister, Brooke, married Michael Lamkin (the last two photos in my 2017 year in pics post is from their wedding).

While it is really nice to photograph familiar faces, it is even nicer to work for people who openly appreciate your work…that’s the one thing that stood out to me from this wedding. The bride and groom were extremely grateful that Jessica and I were there to document their day. Derek said thank you to me several times that morning…which is actually really rare. I didn’t feel like just a vendor hired to do a job.

If you’re following along with my Year in Pictures posts, I have one more wedding to post next week. I’ll wrap up my Year in Pictures the following week with my personal family favorites…which is proving to be the hardest to narrow down!

Thank you, Jessica, for asking me to help you with this wedding! It’s always a joy to work with you.


Year in Pictures 2019: Tara and Bubba


Year in Pictures 2019: Doug and Olivia